SRP journals
HEllo, world. i go by the name jessica (: experiment the world.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 6/16/2010 05:37:00 PM

From this experiment i am able to conclude the most damaging soft drink towards our teeth was Solo lemonade, which also had the highest amount of sugar quantity in it. The least damaging liquid was water, which has no levels of sugar all, and the least damaging soft drink was the (sugar free) Sunkist. MY HYPOTHEISISIS WAS SUPPORTEDD :) 

thanks kthanksbyeee
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@ 6/16/2010 05:33:00 PM

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the final observation/result
Sunday, June 6, 2010 @ 6/06/2010 10:06:00 PM

eggshells in pepsi
 eggshells in water
 eggshells in sunkist( sugar free)
eggshells in lemonade solo
eggshells palced in solo lemon and lime
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3rd observation
@ 6/06/2010 08:30:00 PM

eggshell in pepsi:
 eggshell in sunkist (sugar free)
eggshell in solo lemonade
 eggshell in water:
 eggshell in solo lemon and lime. (mould started to build within the cup)
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2nd observation
@ 6/06/2010 05:46:00 PM

this is the 2nd observation of my experiment on the 14.5.10
from this observation:

eggshell in sunkist (sugar free): the interior had grown a brighter orange

eggshell in solo lemon and lime: the interior is more yellow and the exterior has weakened; there is more of the white stuff around it.

eggshell in water: it is still in same conditions

eggshell in pepsi: the interior has growns a darker borwny black the exerior has a few marks which and those areas have weakened

eggshell in solo lemonade: the interior is a very very light yellow whitish colour; the exterior has grown weaker and the white material is still spreading and growing around the shells
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Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 5/09/2010 08:01:00 PM

this is the experiment i repeated with the changes:

eggshell in sunkist (sugar free)

eggshell in solo lemon and lime (YUM!)
eggshell in water
eggshell in pepsi
eggshell in solo lemonade
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@ 5/09/2010 10:10:00 AM

i have restarted my experiment hopefully itll work without the flooding of ants...
well, after 5 days iwent and observed my eggshells and i had noticed the similar effects occuring to the softdrinks.
the eggshell placed in solo had grew white hard material on the outside.
the inside of the eggshell that were placed in sunkist had an orange interior .
the solo lime and lemon had a greeny yellowy colouring on the inside.
the egg shell in the pepsi had browny-black spots on the outside of the shell and some brownish colouring on the inside.
the eggshell placed in water had remained the same no changes have occured to it.

i ahve changed part of the exquipment in this experiment. the soft dirnks i had accidently choosen sugar free sunkist, however, we can see if the sugar content will affect the results.And i had replaced mountain dew with solo lemon and lime

i jsut realised how hard it is to measure the decay as each eggshell decays in a different manner.
soo i think the best way to measure the decay could be to check how fragile it is as
well as the other that i have mentioned :)
hopefully this would work otherwise. im screwed !

bye for now
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stupid me ):
Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 4/29/2010 07:28:00 PM

i accidently broke our camera. stupid me i know. eysh. mum is angry.
well,nywyass. i found an alternative. iwas able to take the pciture for the first three weeksof my experiment but not last week or this week D:
hwoever i am able to use words (Y)

okay. the sunkist has lost its colour in both the first and second trial
therewas a dead fly in my coke okne. adn heaps of other bugs. which is pretty gross. D:
EWWWWWW! i wil post up the other pictures in the future.

thank you thats all for todayy... (:
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my graph
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 @ 4/13/2010 06:18:00 PM

this is my graph :) but im not sure if its big enough for you to see D:
anywayss. ive checked on my third set of experiments and have noticed
similar affect the different liquids had on the eggshells.

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this is gross D:
Monday, April 12, 2010 @ 4/12/2010 10:39:00 PM

okayy i took pictures of the first set yesterdayy..
and they were really gross.
there were bugs flying in the drinks...
how can i prevent that mz zhang and it kinda stunk.
i had to hold my breath D:...
soo far. there are significant changes to the interior and exterior of the eggshels.
colour changes and changed in the surface.


this eggshell was placed in pepsi.

this was placed in solo

this was palced in mountain dew
this was placed in sunkist
this was palced in water
this eggshell was placed in pepsi.

experiment 2:

this was placed in solo
this was palced in mountain dew
this was placed in sunkist
this was placed in water

the changes:
pepsi : there are splotches of black dots on it interior and exterior
solo : the exterior has a whitish bumpy surface, the interior is still very similar
moutain dew : the exterior is the same, interior has turned bright yellow
sunksit : the exterior is stil the same, the interior has turned bright orange
water : the interior and exterior have no changes
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my experimenttttttttttt :)))))))))))))))
Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 4/10/2010 11:45:00 AM

aim: to determine which soft drink would damage our teeth the most

hypothesis: the soft drink with a higher sugar amount it will have the most damaging effect.

equipment: 5 clear pastic cups
5 eggshells ( these are broken in half inorder to remove the egg)
5 different liquids (moutain dew, sunkist, solo, pepsi, water)
1 measuring cup

1. Collect all the equipment
2. Label seperate plastic cups with the five different liquids
3. Measure 200mL for each different liquid,with the measuring cup
4. Pour 200 mL of different liquid into each seperate cup
5. Place one eggshell ( two halves) into each cup
6. Observe every 5 days days for 5-6 weeks
7. Record these observations in a table
8. Repeat the experiment two more times.

results : in a table

conclusion: was sunkist the most damaging.

discussion: - does the amount sugar affect the amount of damage?
- the problems with this experiment
- compare the different damages
- what damages were made?
-what content from the drinks cause this damage?
- how long did it take for the damages to start to occur?

today is the day 6 for the first set of the experiments.
and day 4 for the second set
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